LOAs Submitted
Upcoming Leaves
Active Cases
Leave of Absence Filing History
Your LOA will be filed at 2AM EST. Check back
tomorrow to see your filing history!
Your LOA will be filed at 2AM EST. Check back
tomorrow to see your filing history!
Upcoming Leaves
Active Cases - Total
Here you can monitor which cases are being handled on your
behalf. A check icon in the NextGenFile? column indicates we
handle filing automatically, whereas a warning icon indicates
you need to manually file for that case. Check the FAQs to
learn why.
Here you can monitor which cases are being handled on your
behalf. A check icon in the NextGenFile? column indicates we
handle filing automatically, whereas a warning icon indicates
you need to manually file for that case. Check the FAQs to
learn why.
Archived Cases - Total
Archived Cases are the cases you designate where we will NOT
file your LOAs. You can update this table at any time.
Archived Cases are the cases you designate where we will NOT
file your LOAs. You can update this table at any time.